Table 2

- A detailed overview of responses of patients to DYMUS questionnaire.

DYMUS QuestionnaireYesNo
n (%)
Do you have difficulties swallowing solid food (such as meat, bread and the like)?10 (9.80)92 (90.20)
Do you have difficulties swallowing liquids (such as water, milk, and the like)?4 (3.92)98 (96.08)
Do you have a globus sensation in your throat during swallowing?7 (6.86)95 (93.14)
Do you have food sticking in your throat?11 (10.78)91 (89.22)
Do you cough or do you have a chocking sensation after ingesting solid foods?8 (7.84)94 (92.16)
Do you cough or do you have a chocking sensation after ingesting liquids?5 (4.90)97 (95.10)
Do you need to swallow several times before completely swallowing solid food?16 (15.69)86 (84.31)
Do you need to cut food in small pieces before swallowing?13 (12.75)89 (87.25)
Do you need to take many sips before completely swallowing liquid?9 (8.82)93 (91.18)
Do you have weight loss?18 (17.65)84 (82.35)
  • DYMUS - dysphagia in multiple sclerosis